Please pray for the following people & needs:

  • Astor Stave- prayer for healing from cancer
  • Comfort for the family and friends of fallen Scottsdale Police Detective Ryan So.
  • Nicole- God's favor in the interview for a new job.
  • Comfort Kurt - his wife, Cheri, died last week.
  • Prayer for Nikki- pregnant with baby Jonah- inducing delivery; pray for safe delivery
  • Pastor John- God's leading, wisdom, and insight in hearing from God and leading the church.
  • Pray for your unsaved neighbors.
  • Pray for the encouragement of those who are going through trials
  • Resurrection Church -
    • Pray for the salvation of the lost, the healing of the hurting, and the growth to maturity and fruitfulness of all believers.
    • Prayer for God's blessing and provision and leading.
    • For God to build this church in a way that would most glorify Him.

Updated June 14th, 2024