We Seek to Know Jesus and to make Him known
Rescue the lost with the LOVE of God
Heal the broken with the HOPE of God
Equip the believer with the WORD of God
We envision our church to be a praying community, where people encounter the Lord Jesus through a powerful and consistent prayer ministry. We seek to exemplify and fulfill Jesus’ statement, “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Matt. 21:13) We envision our church to be a Holy Spirit-led and empowered church. We recognize that "apart from Him, we can do nothing." (John 15:5)
We understand that the knowledge of the Bible is in great need. Therefore, we envision our church to be a place where the Word of God is faithfully, thoroughly, and practically taught. We seek to teach and emphasize the transforming power of His word, the wonders of His grace, and the depths of His love.
We envision a place where lifelong relationships are created; We envision a church that is known as a place of genuine love and abundant joy; a place where the broken and rejected receive love and healing; where people will find hope, encouragement, and freedom in Christ; a place where the downcast and mournful will find gladness and comfort; where the conflicted will find peace; where God’s goodness and grace are discovered, declared, praised and celebrated
We envision a church that focuses on equipping Christians for significant ministry, by helping and encouraging them to find and fulfill the gifts, calling, talents, and purpose to which God has called them. We seek to develop believers towards spiritual maturity through corporate worship, Bible studies, fellowships, and serving opportunities.
We envision a church that impacts our community with the love and good news of Jesus Christ through local outreach. We envision a church that trains, sends out, and supports mission work for both for short-term trips and long-term commitments.